Classroom Teacher - New Bloomfield R-III
Position: Classroom Teacher
Subject Area: Social Studies
Job Title: High School Social Studies Teacher
Job Location: New Bloomfield HS
Deadline: Open until filled **
District: New Bloomfield R-III
New Bloomfield, MO 65063
Telephone: 573-491-3700 EXT 101
Job Description:
The New Bloomfield R-III School District is seeking applications for a High School Social Studies position for the 2025-2026 school year. New Bloomfield has a four day school week.  Extra duties and coaching are available. 
Applicants must have a current High School Social Studies certification or be in the process of obtaining one.  Salary and benefits are commensurate with education and experience.  Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.  Questions should be addressed to the High School Principal, Paul Cloudwright, at  An online application and further information can be obtained at:

** District reserves the right to close any Job Posting when a suitable applicant has been found before the deadline date.
**** REAP Applicants: If you want to notify the school district of your interest in this job, click here.